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Y antes de que el sueño empiece a construir sueños, antes de que la realidad destruya presunciones y antes de que nuestras manos empiecen a forjar ilusiones, hay dos historias preciosas que queremos compartir con vosotros.

The first of them takes place in Maynooth, a little Irish town about an hour drive from Dublin. One of my life’s best presents took me to this town one month ago. The month was unforgettable. Moments of inspiration, emotion, education and empathy set up the basis of what will be an indestructible connection among very different people.

But, to tell the truth, what I did not expect at all was that this amazing month would come to the end in such a marvellous way. When I was saying goodbye to all the people that supported us during that month in the school, I took advantage of some spare minutes to speak to my students about the need of being concerned of the existence of a very different world in which we usually don’t think. As soon as I finished, one of the principals of the school came to me and asked what I had just told them. I briefly explained what Nuevi was. She loved it. She asked me to wait there for a moment and went back to her office. In a matter of minutes, she was coming back in the room with an envelope in her right hand:

“Take this Alvaro. It is not much but just the way you speak and act convinced me. We have been selling second hand uniforms in the school since the classes finished. Here you have everything we have raised. After this brief conversation we have had I am sure there is not better use for them than building smiles in the Dominican Republic. Thank you.”

I was shocked. I couldn’t say a word. My heart was beating fast. I just couldn’t believe what had happened. I couldn’t believe I had the fortune of meeting such a wonderful person. What a wonderful act. My heart felt full. I couldn’t say a word. I was shocked. Shocked of happiness, shocked of emotion, shocked of gratitude.

La segunda de ellas fue más larga en el tiempo.

Todo comenzó en torno a mayo, cuando la vida, de nuevo, me regaló una cerveza con dos ángeles. El primero de ellos era médico, pero no un médico cualquiera, uno al que ojalá consiga parecerme, mi ídolo. La segunda, trabajadora de la misma empresa (Arteche), con una sonrisa enorme que, junto con su cercanía y simpatía, invitaba a compartir tiempo e historias.

Les presenté el proyecto. Pero, sobre todo, nos presentamos nosotros. Nos caímos tan bien, conectamos tan bien, que hablamos del proyecto sin hablar. De alguna mágica manera, cuando me despedía, tenía la sensación de haberles transmitido todo lo que les quería transmitir de Nuevi, con el único detalle de que no hablamos prácticamente de ello.

Unos días después recibí un correo en el que me decían que habían decidido hacer un pequeño grupo en la empresa para poner unas cajas al lado de las máquinas de café, de manera que todos y todas las trabajadoras de la empresa pudieran colaborar con el proyecto.

Quedamos hace menos de una semana para recoger una caja llena de ilusión, empatía, solidaridad y sonrisas. De nuevo, sin palabras. MIL GRACIAS Arteche. Corazón lleno. Lleno a rebosar.

Simplemente, GRACIAS. Just, THANK YOU.

THANK YOU for making me realise that chasing a dream is the best way of being happy.

GRACIAS por demostrarme que los mejores regalos de la vida vienen en forma de personas.

THANK YOU for making me believe in myself and, more important, for making me believe in the society I live in.

GRACIAS, simplemente gracias por confiar en mí, en nosotros, en Nuevi.

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