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¿what would happen if we could take the maximum out of each volunteering trip?

What is Nuevi     I     Objectives     I     The team     I     Where do we work    

we work all around the world!

Nuevi is a community of volunteers which provides an extra help to the NGO they help at. Therefore, we act wherever the NGO we collaborate with acts. Our passion to help doesn´t know of geographical borders!

If there is an NGO in need of an experienced volunteer which in addition to the normal tasks of a volunteer, could help developing a local project, we go wherever we can make an impact!



Nuevi es un proyecto que nace con el propósito de empoderar pequeñas ONG o iniciativas solidarias locales que no encuentran los recursos necesarios para hacer sus proyectos realidad.


Nuevi is an organisation born with the purpose of empowering small   non-profit initiatives or NGOs which struggle to find the resources for making their projects come true.


+34 638 103 023


  • @nuevi2017
  • @nuevi2017
  • Nuevi.2017

®Asociación para la promoción y apoyo de proyectos de cooperación al desarrollo Nuevi, intercambiando sonrisas es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro inscrita con número AS/B21759/2018 en el Registro General de Asociaciones del País Vasco.

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