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¿what would happen if we could take the maximum out of each volunteering trip?
Nuevi is an association which wants to take volunteering to the next level.
We aim to increase each volunteer's impact by FOUR by these points.
This community is made up by experienced volunteers that have already lived this kind of experiences. Volunteers that want to work as hard as possible to make the most out of their time in the field.
We believe in work and sacrifice, because we know the harder it is, the greater the satisfaction will be after each action.
In Nuevi we are in charge of picking up items in good conditions (clothes mainly) from people around us that don’t use them anymore. We carry the items with us in our volunteering and give them to the local community, taking pictures of it and gathering up some sort of gratitude from the people that receive it. In this way, we show the donors, with a very close approach, that their objects have arrived at the destination. And, regarding the local community, we try to show that it is not just some “giving for giving”, but that there are people making the “effort” to set aside those items for this purpose.
However, we do all this in a special manner, because in Nuevi we believe in a young and really close cooperation. We want to make you feel as if you handed your donations yourself. We make the commitment to inform you, from the emotion and in the closer way we can, of the final destination of your help to the project, whichever it may be.
2.1. Educational supplies
Here we make an exception. Educational supplies are really needed in many of the projects, but it is usually easy to purchase them there, so it makes no sense to carry them from here. Besides, by buying it there we will be empowering local business.
That is why, for these donations, we accept money for the value of them. We will note it down as educational supplies donations, purchase these at local business and hand them to the community we are working with. And, it goes without saying, we will send you pictures of the acquired supplies, the delivery and we will explain you how did the process take place or why was it needed.
We will also bring some funds in order to finance a project of the local NGO.
In order to accomplish this objective, we will organize different activities during the year to raise the funds, which will be used to finance the project of the NGO we would have chosen to collaborate with.
Before the trip, NUEVI would contact the NGO, and, according to the budget, we would set out a common project. In general terms, the local NGO suggests the project, as they are the ones who know best their needs, and we provide the funding.
The initial idea is that the project is developed during the volunteer’s stay in the field. This way, he/she could supervise the progress and properly record it, while carrying out the normal tasks of his/her volunteering activity, previously accorded with the NGO.
If there is a craftsman in the community we are working with, we will empower local business by buying its products and selling them back at home. Like this, we will be accomplishing a fair-trade campaign that will also help funding future projects.